September 21, 2019
1-3 pm at
N Joy Arabians
10401 Evergreen Valley Rd SE
Olympia, WA
Region 5 is excited to be part of the AHA Local Task Force’s pilot program, Meet An Arabian Horse Day, on September 21st! We welcome all barns, farms, trainers and businesses within the Region to help us make this day a success. If you are interested in having an information table, hosting an on-site activity, providing some swag, volunteering or being on a list of barns offering lessons please email us at AHARegion5@gmail.com.
Meet and touch an Arabian horse to experience love at first sight. Learn about their history, versatility and personality at Meet an Arabian Horse Day on September 21st at N Joy Arabians hosted by Region 5.
Join us for demos showcasing the diversity of the Arabian horse, interact with live horses, participate in games and activities plus the chance to win free lessons and other prizes!
Free to the public!